Governance & Democratic Process

Isabela Mares
Arnold Wolfers Professor of Political Science

Isabela Mares is the Arnold Wolfers Professor of Political Science and the Director of the European Union Center at Yale. She specializes in the comparative politics of Europe. Professor Mares has written extensively on labor market and social policy reforms, the political economy of taxation, electoral clientelism, reforms limiting electoral corruption. Her current research examines the political responses to antiparliamentarism in both contemporary and historical settings.

Sterling Professor of Political Science
Sterling Professor of Political Science, Emeritus

David Mayhew is Sterling Professor Emeritus of Political Science.

Theophile Penigaud de Mourgues
Postdoctoral Associate

Theophile Penigaud de Mourgues is a Postdoctoral Associate with the Democratic Innovations program at Yale’s Institution for Social and Policy Studies. He holds a Ph.D. in philosophy from the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, where he also led a multidisciplinary junior laboratory studying the mutations in democratic practices and theories (2018-2022).

Professor of Political Science

Milan Svolik is a professor of political science at Yale University. His research and teaching focus on comparative politics, political economy, and formal political theory.

He has authored and co-authored articles on the politics of authoritarian regimes and democratization in leading political science journals, including the American Political Science Review, the American Journal of Political Science, and the Journal of Politics.

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